About The Oasis Centre

The Oasis Centre provides a professional counselling and therapy service to individuals, couples and groups facing issues of a personal or professional nature. The Oasis Centre was established in 1996 by the Religious Sisters of Charity to offer an “Oasis” to the North Inner City. The Oasis Centre incorporates Deora Counselling – a high intensity crisis intervention counselling service which specialises in bereavement, complicated grief, addiction and suicide intervention and the Oasis Mindfulness Clinic which facilitates mindfulness-based training and treatment approaches.

The Oasis Centre is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in Ireland: No. 507631.  Its place of registration is Dublin.   It has a Board of Directors who oversee the Governance of the Company. Board members meet 4 times a year and more often if necessary. The Board of Directors are all Volunteers committed to the ethos and values of the Oasis Centre.


Mary Benton (Chair person), Geraldine Byrne (Exec. Director), Anthony Callinan, Mary Dawson, Mark Fay, Declan Hallissey, Rosemary O’ Looney, Maureen O’Sullivan, Maura Roe (Secretary).

The Oasis Centre is a non-profit organisation.

The Oasis Center Mission Statement

The Oasis Centre is committed to the provision of counselling and confidential support to individuals and groups, in the context of holistic care to address the personal, social and spiritual needs of the person and to enable wholeness, wellbeing, healing and self-reliance.

We aim to foster an environment which promotes accessible and affordable counselling which is person-centred and creates an atmosphere of trust, respect, encouragement and integration.

The Oasis Centre Logo

A circle represents the centre: an ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness and integration.
The branches of the palm tree symbolise the different parts of the Oasis Centre:

Oasis Counselling and Therapy
Deora Counselling
Oasis Mindfulness Clinic

The Oasis Centre Staff

Most of our counselling staff are accredited by the IACP, ACI or IAHIP or are working towards accreditation. A smaller number are counsellors in training from counselling training colleges in Dublin. All of our counsellors and therapists adhere to recognised codes of ethics with the highest professional standards and attend regular supervision. The professional team are supported by the Management and Board of the Oasis Centre.

The Oasis Centre Funders

The Oasis Centre is supported by the Religious Sisters of Charity, Religious of Christian Education, Family Support Agency and other generous donors. The Religious Sisters of Charity have a long history of charitable work within the area. They opened their convent in Seville Place on the 19th November 1882.

To find out more about the work of the Religious Sisters of Charity, please visit their websites:
www.rsccaritas.org  / www.religioussistersofcharity.ie

Deora Counselling is funded by the North Inner City Drugs and alcohol Task Force (NICDATF). The North Inner City Drugs Task Force was established in 1997 to develop community responses to the drugs problem in the local area.

Family Support Agency – The Oasis Centre would like to acknowledge the support it has received from the Family Support Agency over the last number of years. This funding helps support Oasis Counselling. The Family Support Agency is a government agency operating under the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. http://www.tusla.ie

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Download Oasis Centre Financial Statements 2023

Download Oasis Centre Financial Statements 2022

Download Oasis Centre Financial Statements 2021

Download Oasis Centre Financial Statements 2020

Download Oasis Centre Financial Statements 2019

Download Oasis Centre Financial Statements 2018

Download Oasis Centre Financial Statements 2017

Download Oasis Centre 2016 Accounts

Structure of service

Download The Oasis Structure of service

Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2023 Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2022 Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2021 Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2020 Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2019 Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2018 Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2017 Annual Report

Download Oasis Centre 2016 Annual Report